Community Living Services
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CHAI Community Homes for Adults
CHAI provides programs and services that enable individuals with intellectual disabilities to live as independently as possible, and to enrich their lives by building relationships with each other as well as with the larger community. Today, CHAI maintains nine group homes, provides services to individual clients in the community through Wolens Program Services and operates a group Day Habilitation Program.

Community Council of Greater Dallas
Community Council of Greater Dallas serves as the Community Action Agency for Dallas County by providing programs and services to individuals in poverty, working families, youth, and older adults. Through our initiatives, residents learn to become self-sufficient, reducing and eliminating their reliance on social services.

REACH of Dallas
REACH's comprehensive approach supports individuals with disabilities in various stages of life and transition, promoting independence and equal opportunities. Their services are designed not only to assist individuals in navigating their personal lives but also to educate and influence the broader community.