Sensory-Friendly Attractions + Activities in DFW
The following local attractions and activities provide sensory-friendly accommodations. Typically, sensory-friendly refers to sound and light adjustments or providing a “quiet room.”
Some facilities offer one morning a month or a Sensory Day each week. Please check out the specific attraction for more information.
DISCLAIMER: Links and information are provided as a convenience and are for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or approval by Spectra Therapies + Evaluations for any service or opinion of any agency, organization, or individual. We assume and bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.

Studio Movie Grill
Alamo Draft House

Dallas Children's Theater
North Texas Performing Arts - Starcatchers (NTPA)

Dallas Zoo
Dallas Museum of Art
Nasher Sculpture Museum
Crayola Experience
Chuck E Cheese
Explorium Denton

Visit Dallas
Sensory Friendly Family Fun in Dallas
Sensory Issues
- Sights
- Sounds
- Smells
- Tastes
- Touch
- Balance (vestibular)
- Awareness of body position and movement (proprioception)
- Awareness of internal body cues and sensations (interoception)
- Read more about sensory issues on autism speaks:
Sensory Tools
Therapeutic sensory integration products and occupational therapy tools can be helpful for developing skills to process and organize sensory information as well as to calm.
Popular tools include weighted blanket, oral motor chewies, sensory therapy brushes, deep pressure sensory rolling pin, spinning boards, and sensory fidget toys.
Sensory subscription boxes such as:
- Box of Sensory Toys
- Sensory Solutions
- DeveloPlay
- Sensory TheraPlay Box
- Resources