Educational Services
DISCLAIMER: Links and information are provided as a convenience and are for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or approval by Spectra Therapies + Evaluations for any service or opinion of any agency, organization, or individual. We assume and bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.

Autism Speaks Free Toolkits
Autism Speaks provides numerous free toolkits for primary, secondary, and post-secondary options and guidance, such as:
School Community Tool Kit
Transition Tool Kit
Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Guide
Advocacy Tool Kit
Visual Supports and Autism
Guide to Individualized Education Programs (IEP)

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Education that plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with disabilities. OSERS is dedicated to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. In its mission, OSERS administers programs and supports policies and legislation that help children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities to lead more productive and independent lives.

DFW Child School Guide List
Search on their website (see drop down menu under Education) or wait for the July print issue of DFW list of schools. Special marks denote specialized schools with detailed information of location, grade levels, and for private schools - tuition rates.

Navigate Life Texas
Videos, resources and tips to navigating your child's educational experience. Topics such as:
special education
your child's legal rights
getting the right services
making the most of ARD meetings
how to create the best possible IEP
connecting with other parents
what kind of school is best for my child
and more...
DFW Local Schools Specializing in Neurodiversity
Bridge Builder Academy
Chase’s Place
Dallas Academy
Dallas Learning Center
Einstein School
Fairhill School
Fusion Academy
Great Lakes Academy
Hill School (Ft Worth)
Lake Pointe Granbury
Oak Hill Academy
Preston Hollow Presbyterian School
Shelton School
St. Anthony School
St. Timothy
Notre Dame of Dallas Schools
Winston School
Vanguard School
ABCs of Special Education from Navigate Life Texas:
Here are some of the terms or acronyms you will see often throughout your child’s education:
- Special Education: Special education is not a place but an umbrella of services with dozens of ways to give children the best education possible. Special education services might include specialized instruction, modified curriculum, learning accommodations, or therapies, just to name a few.
- Section 504: This federal law enables your child to get accommodations and modifications that help them learn when they’re at school. They do not have to qualify for special education services in order to get 504 services. These accommodations and modifications might include assistive technology, sitting in the front of the class, reading materials printed in Braille or with large print fonts, and many more.
- ARD: The ARD, or Admission, Review, and Dismissal process, is a meeting at your child’s school between you (and any family members, friends, or people you want to bring who know your child well), your child’s teacher, therapists, and other school or district staff who support your child. This team makes a program for your child’s education, called an IEP, in these meetings.
- IEP: Your child’s IEP, or Individualized Education Program, is an education program made by your child’s ARD team, which you are a part of. You might hear parents call this the Individualized Education Plan, but it is really a full program of services to help your child. The IEP maps out needs, goals, and objectives to help your child learn and eventually transition out of school.
- IDEA: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is a federal law ensuring that all students with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Learn more about IDEA on our Your Child’s Right to a Public Education page.
- FAPE: This stands for “Free Appropriate Public Education.” It means that students can get the resources they need free of charge – things like accommodations, modifications, and services to support their education. Learn more about FAPE on our Your Child’s Right to a Public Education page.
- LRE: Students with disabilities have the right to learn in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) possible. This means that, if they are able to stay in the general education classroom, they should. Learn more about LRE on our Your Child’s Right to a Public Education page.
Top Must-See Support Services
- The Texas Education Agency (TEA) operates 20 Education Service Centers (ESC), one in each region of the state. The agency can help you with your questions about the special education process. Find the address, phone number, and website for your ESC to learn more.
- Did you know that the TEA has a hotline to help English- and Spanish-speaking parents – and answer their questions about special education programs and services? To reach a statewide resource center, call 800-252-9668. If you have a hearing impairment, call 512-475-3540 or 7-1-1 for a relay agent.
- Texas Project First guides parents through the entire special education process and laws.
- If your child qualifies for special education services, the IDEA manual will explain your child’s legal rights.
- The Partners Resource Network is a statewide nonprofit that runs Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs), which help you learn about the education process and find services and programs.
- Wright’s Law offers accurate, up-to-date information for parents about special education law and how to advocate for students with disabilities.
- The Legal Framework offers a good summary of state and federal special education requirements.